Environmentally Friendly Biodegradable & water based
Non-toxic, non- acidic, non-caustic, non-corrosive, non-hazardous or non-fl
ammable.EnzOdor is a revolutionary new, enzyme based
ecological restorative, that can eliminate the most disgusting
odours in one single application. It is completely safe for the
environment, and leaves no odour of its own.The powerful water-
based formula digests organic waste and eliminates odours in
seconds. It is non-toxic, non-caustic and won’t harm fabric
rubber, glass, or plastics. It can be used to eliminate the smells
from your hands or clothing.
EnzOdor has been used with amazing success in taxi cabs,
buses, motels,food outlets, pet shops, and numerous
applications in the United States and Europe and is now
available in Australia. EnzOdor eliminates all unpleasant odours,
including vomit, urine, smoke, animal smells and virtually any
other odour you can imagine!
100ml $6.95
500ml $19.95
5 ltrs $99.50
Plus postage, can be posted anywhere in Australia
Call: 0438 548 970
or Email: sharon@animalrescue.com.au